3 Ways How To Re-record Vocals With No Microphone

3 Different Easy Ways To Vocal Stand Out More In Mono Or Stereo

There are many different ways to fatten up vocals and make it stand out more. There is an easy way to do so is by having the vocalist to do overdubs, but if the client gave you the song and doesn’t live near you, then that can not be done. Many people think that you can duplicate the track and pan them left and right, but it doesn’t help fatten it up. Another way it to take the vocals and send it out to a hardware compressor like a 1176 and do nuke mode, but you may not have one or not have the money. 

I can go on and on of different ways to do this, but for beginners, you may not have the resources. But you maybe thinking, “alright, shut up and tell me how to do this so i can make my tracks sound fatter or maybe even then entire song” Well i am going to show you three different ways how to fatten it up and it does not cost a penny. 

 The first way how to do this is by making a douplicate of the vocal track and keep them both in mono. With that duplicated track, you can us any compressor plugin, and allow it to smash one of the vocal tracks in a way where you can still hear the words (even if its death metal or certain rappers of today) but in a way where it actually bothers your ears. When done, lower the volume of the duplicated track where you can’t hear it and play the song. As your listening, slowly raise the volume until you notice it fatten it up. This is good when there are many tracks and certain frequency can actually mask “cover” the vocal. 

The second way to do this is to rerecord the vocal out of the monitors. Now you can be wondering, but what if I don’t have a microphone? Well if you have a phone, then you actually do have a microphone. All that has to be done is to record the vocals with the phone. After, make a new mono track and add the new record on that track. Last thing to is lower the fader on the new track and raise it slowly till it sounds good.  When recording the vocals, it does not need a perfect recording because the the new recording is not supposed make the volume at 0 and you would probably have it at -40.

The third and last is to pretty much do the same as the second but this this time you record the vocal track twice. It is best to record on both monitors because all measurements of acoustic sounds different. When done, make a duplicate of the original recording and the apply the new recording on separate tracks. When done, pan the main vocal recording left and right about 30 degrees and pan both of the new recording left and right about 30 degrees. By applying this, it helps fatten up the vocal and more in your face.

Those are the three techniqe to help fatten up your vocal track which can help improve the song your mixing. This can be applied to other tracks such as certain instruments but it does not apply for all.

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